
Baubetrieb Daniel Nelitz GmbH
Im Tiefen Lande 3
36466 Dermbach OT Diedorf


Phone: +49 (0) 36966 83504-0
Fax: +49 (0)36966 83504-90

Managing director and responsible for online media:

Mr. Daniel Nelitz

Local Court (Amtsgericht): Jena
VAT ID number: please contact us.
AGB: General Terms and Conditions please contact us.

Design and Implementation

Forward Marketing® | Blum & Grunitz GbR
Full Service Werbeagentur und Online Marketing Agentur

  • blum + bellinger gbr
  • Baubetrieb Daniel Nelitz
  • Alexandra Kutscher
  • Peter Bellinger
Legal Notice

Baubetrieb Daniel Nelitz (Called Website operator) All content of our websites have been prepared and created meticulously. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content. Pursuant to §7, paragraph 1 TMG (German Tele-Media Act) our liability as a service provider shall be limited to our content only. Pursuant to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not, however, obligated to monitor third party data provided or stored on our website, nor to research any indications that might hint at illegal activity. We shall still be obligated to remove or block the usage of any information in compliance with general law. Our liability in such instances shall commence only from the moment any specific rights violation is brought to our notice. Upon discovery of such rights violations we shall remove these contents immediately.

The website operator assumes no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. The same applies for all other websites referred to via hyperlink or otherwise. The website operator is not responsible for the content of websites that can be reached via connections such as a link.

Information on data protection can be found in the Privacy Policy.